Enter The Meeting Link

Enter The Meeting Link


Mute notifications

Notifications help you stay up-to-date with what’s happening. By default, you’ll receive notifications for all your teams and groups when you set up the app. In MelpApp you can mute notification for set timings so that you can work flawlessly without any distractions.

  • 1.Go to Account Settings
  • 2.Use toggle button to enable and disable mute notification
  • 3.A pop-up will also appear with time range
  • 4.Select your desire time to mute notification
  • 5.Click on save changes button to update your settings

Mute notifications

Notifications help you stay up-to-date with what’s happening. By default, you’ll receive notifications for all your teams and groups when you set up the app. In MelpApp you can mute notification for set timings so that you can work flawlessly without any distractions.

  • 1.Go to Account Settings
  • 2.Use toggle button to enable and disable mute notification
  • 3.A pop-up will also appear with time range
  • 4.Select your desire time to mute notification
  • 5.Click on save changes button to update your settings

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