Verify Phone Number
Providing your phone number can help you access your network more consistently across accounts. Our system creates a dedicated network for each mobile number, guaranteeing seamless access to your network across accounts, whether you're using a personal or business email. Additionally, if your old account is deactivated or deleted by your business administrator, providing your phone number can assist in retrieving your network, including all your contacts and connections.
To verify your phone number, follow these simple steps:
Navigate to your Account Settings.
In the ABOUT tab, enter your phone number in the designated phone number section.
Click on the VERIFY to initiate the verification process.
A verification window will appear, requesting you to input the One-Time Password (OTP) that you have received on your mobile device.
- If you haven't received the OTP, click on the RESEND CODE.
- Enter the OTP and click on the SUBMIT to complete the verification process.
Note: Phone number verification is a simple but important step to enhance the security of your account and access your network more consistently across accounts. It also enables you to recover your network in case of any account changes.